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Informed by Life

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    Finding the Right Balance

    Remember Little Red Riding Hood -the porridge was too hot, too cold and just right. Well payers and ACOs have been trying to change behavior and reduce “inappropriate” use of the ED — but the headwind of FFS incentives and cross subsidies among payer types and settings made it a sysphisian task. Along comes COVID and we have the opposite problem – folks who need to use the ED are avoiding care. Consequences are life threatening.

    Can we reach an appropriate balance? Will it be sustainable? How will ED’s be viable if the lower cost, high margin visits disappear? What will be the impact on admissions — since so many (including avoidable ones) come through the ED?

    My take away from all of this is that healthcare in the US is unique (and quirky) compared to the rest of the world. It is more fragmented in it delivery, and its financing (perhaps because of the financing?) and the ramifications of the pandemic will long outlast the viruses direct impact.

    BUT – it is not going to be as it was ever again. Therein lies both great opportunity for some and disaster for others. Which side will you be on?

    Nascate has tools that are designed specifically to address the needs of this future. We are ready… are you?

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