Nascate has developed an improved assignment methodology based on the strength of the relationship between a person and his/her provider.
What Is the Nascate Attribution Engine:
The Nascate Attribution Engine is an innovative methodology that is based in capturing relationships between members and providers, and understanding the differences in the strength of these relationships. The attribution process allows for up to 10% of people to be associated with a provider for attribution. Client choice in the specific rules for who gets Attributed and what utilization and behaviors are to be expected at different levels, helps to create an Attribution program that can be successful for both the Plan and Providers.
What We Did:
We evaluated claims utilization for attribution, but rather than focusing on volume we chose to focus on the relationships between Individuals and Providers as well as Providers and Provider. Our longitudinal view of connections and strength of relationships between individuals and providers allows us to better understand how members and providers are working together and what natural behaviors exist.
Why We Did It:
Traditional attribution rules are limited to a narrow window of activity. This results in weak, unstable assignment and poorly represents provider performance. It also fails to assign a large subset of a population, neglected growth and revenue opportunities. An attribution model that provides more stability over time, focuses on relationships, and makes logical assignments of those previously unassigned will be a win for both plan and provider as accountability is more clear and consistent.
How to Use It:
The Attribution Engine builds a strong foundation for value-based care to succeed. By using the insights it provides, gaps and areas of opportunity can be identified in current attribution, performance can be maximized and compensation can be allocated properly.
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